Every four years we have the opportunity to vote for our Local Councillors and Mayor – those who will represent us and work in the interests of our region.
On March 28, it will be time to make your vote count.
What is important to you, and which candidate are you most confident will be able to make that happen?
Every incumbent Councillor and Mayors’ performance is now under review… #makeyourvotecount
As I have said before, throughout this campaign I want to be able to provide you with as much information as possible to enable you to make a well informed decision. This week, we’re looking at The Code of Conduct as laid out by the Qld Govt.
“The Code of Conduct sets out the principles and standards of behaviour expected of Councillors and Mayors when carrying out their roles, responsibilities and obligations, as elected
representatives for their communities.
These include:
– make decisions in the public interest
– ensure effective and economical delivery of services
– represent and meaningfully engage with the community
– clearly and accurately explain council decisions
– accept and value differences of opinion
– exercise good governance
– develop open and transparent processes and procedures
– meet the community’s expectations for high level leadership.”
How do your local candidates stack up?
You can use this list as a guide as you look to decide who will best be able to represent our residents and region.
#jennyfor2020 #makeyourvotecount #yourcommunityvoice